Katie Mills
Created Mar 19, 2024Steps for Making Scheduled Transfers and Payments in Online Banking
Create recurring transfers between your Sierra Pacific Credit Union Accounts, external accounts, and your loan products easily with the Transfers tool in online and mobile banking.
Note: To make loan payments with an external account, you will need to schedule two transactions - one from your external account to a Sierra account, and one from your Sierra account to your loan.
This will let you transfer from Sierra accounts or external accounts you have already added. To add new external accounts, see our "How to Add an External Account to Online Banking" guide

To set up recurring payments, choose "Scheduled".
Note that transfers from external accounts may take up to 2 business days to complete, even when the "Right Now" button is chosen. If you are using an external account to make loan payments, we recommend scheduling the transfer at least 4 days ahead of your loan due date to prevent late payments.

You can choose to make this scheduled transfer a one-time occurrence, or set up automatic repeats at different intervals.
For loan payments, we suggest choosing either weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly payments. These options let you make a loan payment either regularly after you are paid, or at least once a month before your payment due date.
This can also be used to set up automatic annual transfers (Ex: From your holiday savings account to checking), among other things.

Double check the from and to accounts, the amount, and the date.
For loan payments, you will see your next due date on this page. Double check that the "on" date is before the "Payment Due" date (see arrows below).
The account you're transferring from will show an "Available Balance". Double check that the amount you're transferring is less than that balance.