Sam Webster
Created Jul 30, 2024Example of Custom Quoting Configuration in Connect: printIQ | CI_printiq_013
In this tutorial, we'll take a look at an example of an Infigo product which has been configured utilising the Connect: printIQ Custom Quoting capabilities. We will see that the product has several attributes configured, which in turn have slightly altered mappings to attributes and operations in the linked printIQ system. This ensures that the correct quote is returned from printIQ when requested from Infigo, as the chosen specifications of the product are being utilised to create the quote.
Our product is a simple Multipart product within Infigo. Several attributes have been created and assigned, giving the end user the ability to select between:
The front end of this product is accessible to all should you wish to view it:

We can see that the majority of the options are using the [Inherited] option, meaning their value is being taken from the higher level specification we saw earlier.
However, we can see in this case that "Finished Size" has been mapped to a different, specific value. This will ensure the correct product specifications are used to quote if this value is selected within the Size attribute by the end user.

That is because we wish for the specification to now by altered by the two additional "Length" and "Width" attributes that have become available to our end users.
The "Custom" option is purely being used to control the "Length" and "Width" attributes.