Estela Ortega
Created Dec 19, 2022Workflow with SchoolMint
If the student is currently enrolled in ABCUSD grade(s) K-11 a student student identification number is needed to proceed. New and incoming Kindergarten students to ABCUSD (K-12 grades) for the 2024-2025 school year will not have a current student identification number and must select "no" to proceed.

An address MUST be selected from the populated list in order to proceed with selecting schools. Begin entering the home residency address in the "Student Home Address" box. Once the address appears on the populated list click to select it. Residency information entered is verified prior to enrollment.

School Selection information populates according to the address information selected in section 1 (Student Information). If there are no options of schools to select verify that an address within ABCUSD residency boundaries was selected. The address must be selected from the drop down list populated after it is entered.
Note the requirements for selecting the school options.

Answer "yes" and complete all required questions if; the applying student has a sibling(s) currently attending (2023-2024 school year) a selected school of choice option and if that sibling(s) will continue to attend the same school in the 2024-2025 school year.
Completing the sibling information will not create an application for a sibling. A separate application must be completed if the sibling needs to apply for School of Choice.

A student's individual application(s) may be viewed once submitted. After an application is submitted additional schools can not be added. Rankings between the selected schools may be edited or an individual application may be withdrawn. Once an application is withdrawn it can't be undone.