Steps to Enroll in Benefits through Frontline ID

Liz Windingstad

Created May 08, 2023

Steps to Enroll in Benefits through Frontline ID



6 Steps

Go to

Log in to your Frontline Education account (you use this for Frontline Central).


Enter your username.

Enter your username.

Enter your password.

Enter your password.

Click on Sign In with Frontline ID.

Click on  Sign In with Frontline ID.

Click on HRMS.

Please note that you may not have all of the options shown in the picture below.

Click on HRMS.

Click on My Service Center.

Please note that you may not have all of the options listed in the left most column or on the main screen in the middle of your page.

Click on  My Service Center.


7 Steps

A separate window will open. This is your HR Employee Service Center.

A separate window will open.  This is your HR Employee Service Center.

To Begin Open Enrollment, Click on My Benefits Information.

To Begin Open Enrollment, Click on My Benefits Information.

Click on Benefits Enrollment.

Click on Benefits Enrollment.

The Benefits Enrollment Tab will open. Review the information provided.

The Benefits Enrollment Tab will open.  Review the information provided.

Click on I UNDERSTAND when you are ready to proceed with your open enrollment.

Click on I UNDERSTAND when you are ready to proceed with your open enrollment.

Open enrollment begins by confirming and/or editing your Dependent information.

Click the Add button to Add a dependent. To Drop a currently listed dependent, click on the line with that dependent's information and click the Drop button. To View/Edit a current dependent, click on the View/Edit button. Be sure to click Save or Continue to save your changes.

Open enrollment begins by confirming and/or editing your Dependent information.

Click on Continue when you have completed the Dependents step.

Click on Continue when you have completed the Dependents step.


13 Steps

You will move to the Medical (Health Insurance) portion of open enrollment.

You will move to the Medical (Health Insurance) portion of open enrollment.

Review and select your Benefit Plans and Coverage Level by clicking the associated radial button.

Review and select your Benefit Plans and Coverage Level by clicking the associated radial button.

Click on Save & Continue when you have made your selections.

Click on Save & Continue when you have made your selections.

Your next selection will show on the screen (Dental).

Your next selection will show on the screen (Dental).

Click on Save & Continue after you have made your selections.

Click on Save & Continue after you have made your selections.

The Beneficiary Information component is next.

In this step, you will enter or select your beneficiary(s) for each available component of your benefits. If you already had Beneficiaries built (from a previous enrollment in Ease), you will need to add them to this system as well. If you did, you are able to Add or Edit beneficiary information.

The Beneficiary Information component is next.

To select from current dependents as a beneficiary, use the dropdown menu provided.

To select from current dependents as a beneficiary, use the dropdown menu provided.

Once a person is selected, their information is populated. You must select Primary or Contingent with a Percentage. Be sure to click Add to save your changes before moving to the next beneficiary (or step in the process).

Be sure to complete each box with a *. You may list as many beneficiaries as you would like using Primary and Contingent. Be sure that the total of all beneficiaries listed under Primary is equal to 100%, as well as 100% for Contingent, in order to complete enrollment.

Once a person is selected, their information is populated.  You must select Primary or Contingent with a Percentage.  Be sure to click Add to save your changes before moving to the next beneficiary (or step in the process).

Click on Continue once you have completed your beneficiary information.

Click on Continue once you have completed your beneficiary information.

Review your Benefits Open Enrollment selections.

Please note that if you have a line for LTD EAP at a rate of $.85, this is actually part of your LTD policy. It is required to be listed separately in this system (as it was in Ease) due to the system's calculation constraints, however, it is simply a part of the total LTD premium that is deducted from your paycheck. This EAP is separate from the Carelon (Beacon) EAP that is communicated in Cardinal Essentials.

Review your Benefits Open Enrollment selections.

Click on Submit when you are ready to complete your Open Enrollment.

Click on Submit when you are ready to complete your Open Enrollment.

Review the closing statement. You are welcome to print your selections here as well.

Review the closing statement.  You are welcome to print your selections here as well.

Click on Save and Continue to end your open enrollment.

Click on Save and Continue to end your open enrollment.
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