Heather Fugger
Created Apr 19, 2023How to bid on Texas GLO Oil, Gas, & Geothermal Leases
Bidding on a Texas General Land Office (GLO) lease is per acre.
Registration for a sale is required to participate in bidding. Navigate to the tract of interest to view the property information page.

Click on Place a Bid

Click on Sealed Bid
Enter the Bidder's Company and address details, or choose to autofill details from your EnergyNet account.
Enter the sealed bid amount per acre.
When bidding on a sealed bid tract, enter the bid amount to display the Amount Due at Closing calculation amount.
Bids may not be withdrawn, retracted, or reduced.

Type password

Click on Place Sealed Bid

A green banner will appear confirming the receipt of the sealed bid.
An email will be sent to the email address on file to confirm the bid has been accepted, however, no amounts will be listed in the email. The sealed bid will not be visible as activity in the user's account, as sealed bids are encrypted. (Note the bidder name and address fields, as well as the sealed bid amount field have all been reset.)
A user may outbid themselves, if multiple bids are submitted.