Teddy Fischer
Created Sep 22, 2023Create a Zap for creating LaunchNotes subscribers from new HubSpot Contacts
Navigate to your Zapier account
Connect your HubSpot account
Navigate back to Zapier
{ "query": "mutation CreateProjectSubscription($projectId: ID!, $email: String!, $workItemId: ID, $categoryId: ID,) {createProjectSubscription(input: {projectSubscription: {projectId: $projectId,subscriber: {email: $email, type: SUBSCRIBER},workItems: [{id: $workItemId}],categories: [{id: $categoryId}],skipOptIn: true}}) {projectSubscription {id createdAt subscriber {email,confirmedAt}}, errors {path,message}}}", "variables": {"projectId": "Project ID","email": "Email address variable from trigger","categories": "Category IDs","workItems": "Roadmap item IDs",} }

Success 🎉
You'll see the test email address as a new subscriber in your LaunchNotes page, and once this Zap is published it will create new subscribers for all new contacts in HubSpot.