Applying for a Permit Online with Professional Code Inspections of Michigan

Kevin Keyes

Created Jun 21, 2024

Applying for a Permit Online with Professional Code Inspections of Michigan

You can find the link to the correct site by navigating to it from the PCI of Michigan website or your local municipalities website.


If you are a homeowner and are doing the work, skip to step 9. If you are a contractor, press the 'Click here if you are a contractor/design professional' button to login or create an account.

If you are a homeowner and are doing the work, skip to step 9. If you are a contractor, press the 'Click here if you are a contractor/design professional' button to login or create an account.

Click on log in

If you don't have an account, press Create an Account first then proceed from here once your account is created.

Click on log in

Type in your user name

Type in your user name

Type your password

Type your password

Click on Sign In

Click on Sign In

If this is your first time applying online with this unit, you will be prompted for a PIN. This links your BSA-Online account to the corresponding contractor record in units database so you can manage your account online. You will need to contact the unit to get this PIN.

Note: you may also request a pin online if this functionality is enabled.

If this is your first time applying online with this unit, you will be prompted for a PIN. This links your BSA-Online account to the corresponding contractor record in units database so you can manage your account online. You will need to contact the unit to get this PIN.

Click on Submit

Click on Submit

Click on Ok

Click on Ok

Type the street number for the address where the work will be performed.

You may also include part of the street name to narrow down the search for the correct address.

Type the street number for the address where the work will be performed.

Click on Search

Click on Search

Choose the correct address

Choose the correct address

Click on Next

Click on Next

Choose the the Type of unit from the list. It is important you choose the correct options here or your permit may be denied and you will be required to resubmit.

Choose the the Type of unit from the list. It is important you choose the correct options here or your permit may be denied and you will be required to resubmit.

Choose the specific municipality

Choose the specific municipality

Choose the permit type you are applying for. Additional permit types may be made available for online application over time.

Choose the permit type you are applying for. Additional permit types may be made available for online application over time.

Select the category of work to be performed from the list

Select the category of work to be performed from the list

Type in a scope of work

Type in a scope of work

Fill out any required fields

Fill out any required fields

Click on Next

Click on Next

Verify and/or correct contact information and fill in the owners information

Verify and/or correct contact information and fill in the owners information

Press Edit Emails if you have additional people you want to receive notifications with updates on the status of this application.

Press Edit Emails if you have additional people you want to receive notifications with updates on the status of this application.

Fill in the contacts name and email address. Check "Check by Default" if you want the site to always select them as an additional party to notify for future application. Press Insert.

Fill in the contacts name and email address. Check "Check by Default" if you want the site to always select them as an additional party to notify for future application. Press Insert.

Click on Next

Click on Next

Upload all files that are relevant to the work you are performing. If you fail to submit a document that is necessary, your application may either be rejected or you will receive a request for documents via email before your application can be processed.

Upload all files that are relevant to the work you are performing. If you fail to submit a document that is necessary, your application may either be rejected or you will receive a request for documents via email before your application can be processed.

Choose the document and Press Save

Choose the document and Press Save

Click on Next

Click on Next

Verify all information then read and accept each acknowledgement

Verify all information then read and accept each acknowledgement

Verify your name in the accepted by field

Verify your name in the accepted by field

Press Submit

Your application will now be sent to an intake queue for processing and review. YOU MAY NOT BEGIN WORK UNTIL YOU HAVE RECEIVED AN ISSUED PERMIT. You will receive update on the status of your application at key points in the process, including when revisions to your submitted documents may be required and when fees are due.

Press Submit
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