How To Store and Share a Document
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Carlton van Putten

Created Mar 27, 2024

How To Store and Share a Document

PayRent makes storing, sharing, and signing documents easy with our document management feature


Login to the Payrent app and click on the "Documents" menu item

8 Steps


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Click on Upload Document

Then select a document from the file selection dialog box. The maximum size is 10MB and the pdf file format is recommended. PDF files must not be encrypted.

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Add a label for the document

Adding a label does not change the actual file name.

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Categorize documents using the optional tags field

You can add up to 4 tags per document. Existing tags can be selected from the dropdown menu

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Optionally save the document as a template

Saving the document as a template allows you to quickly clone a document for individual tenants or properties.

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Associate documents with properties, units, or individual tenants

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To share a document with tenants, make the document public

Documents that are made public will appear in the tenant portal on their Wallet screen

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Click on Save

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