Sam Webster
Created Sep 30, 2024Configuring "Connect: Switch" in Infigo and "Infigo Connect" in Enfocus Switch | CI_Switch_002
Enfocus Switch is an automation software solution designed to streamline and optimize repetitive tasks within print and media production workflows. It provides a platform that allows users to automate various processes, such as file management, preflighting, and output generation, by creating customizable workflows. These workflows can integrate with a wide range of third-party applications, enabling seamless coordination between different tools and systems used in the production environment. The software uses a visual flow editor where users can drag and drop different actions and decision points to construct a workflow tailored to their specific needs. By automating these processes, Enfocus Switch helps reduce manual intervention, minimize errors, and increase overall efficiency.
Infigo's Connect: Switch integration (available in the Enfocus app store as Infigo Connect) is a versatile app available on the Enfocus Switch App store designed to integrate Enfocus Switch with Infigo storefronts. This app enables seamless connectivity and automates the workflow by importing job details, asset files, and metadata into the Enfocus Switch environment. Additionally, it supports status updates to keep your systems synchronized.
Infigo Connect offers three modes of operation to import jobs and manage status updates effectively:
1. Import Jobs via Polling | In this mode, the app periodically checks the Infigo storefront for new jobs.
2. Import Jobs via Webhooks | In webhook mode, the Infigo storefront pushes new job notifications to Enfocus Switch.
3. Status Updates | In this mode, Infigo Connect performs status updates to Infigo from within Enfocus Switch
We will discuss these in later steps

Operational Modes | Import Jobs via Polling
In this mode, Infigo Connect periodically checks the Infigo storefront for new jobs (using Infigo Print Locations and Hot Folders). This mode is suitable for environments where real-time updates are not critical, allowing for periodic checks.
In order to utilise the polling operation mode, hot folders and print locations are utilised within Infigo.
More information on these topics can be found in the Infigo Academy.

Each flow element within Enfocus Switch should be linked to a specific print location in Infigo.
Multiple flow elements can be configured for different print locations.
Each print location can have any number of hotfolders
o It will utilize the extensive hot folder mapping system we have within Infigo to assign job output to the various hotfolders

Job Output Files:
PDF files.
Include metadata about the job, order, and customer in either XML or JSON format.
Mark as downloaded in Infigo.
Prepped for simple status updates via the Update Status mode.
Optionally pull down JobTicket, Invoice, and Packaging Slip to the log output.
Other Files from Hotfolder:
Any file placed in a hotfolder will be pulled into your Switch flow.
This includes imposed files, extracted content, data files, etc.
Files without a job association will be routed through the warning data connection.

Operation Modes | Import Jobs via Webhooks
In this mode, Infigo Connect listens on a configurable path for incoming requests from Infigo, allowing real-time job import as soon as they are available.
Set flow element operation mode to Jobs via webhooks and configure the required API data
File Handling
Order Handling:
Each request handles an entire order.
For each order line item, a job will be created.
Each job will include metadata about the job, order, and customer in XML or JSON format.
Jobs will be marked as downloaded in Infigo.
Prepped for simple status updates via the Update Status mode.
Optionally pull down JobTickets, Invoices, and Packaging Slips on the log output.
Output Part Support:
Supports rasterized files (JPG and PNG).
Supports split output (e.g., cover and inside pages).
Security and Redundancy:
The call is secured with a shared secret between Infigo and Switch.
Call duplication can be enabled to avoid duplicated entries.

Operation Mode | Update Status Mode
This mode allows for updating the status of jobs within the Infigo storefront based on the progress in Enfocus Switch.
Set flow element operation mode to Status Updates and configure the required API data

Select the range of job statuses to be updated.

Job Identification
Automatically identify the job to update from prepped Infigo output files.
Alternatively, the job ID and order ID can be injected via Switch features (hardcoded, variables, script expressions).

Inject tracking number
For the Shipped status, an optional tracking code can be injected.